Mid-West New Mexico Community Action Program (MWNMCAP) is committed to providing services to help empower and improve the lives of low income individuals and families residing within Valencia, Socorro, McKinley, Cibola and Catron Counties.
Midwest New Mexico Community Action Program (MWNMCAP) Client Services is funded from a number of different sources. These sources include (but are not limited to): State of New Mexico Human Services Department, Emergency Food and Shelter Program and on occasion, donations from other non-profit organizations, individuals or private businesses. Additionally, MWNMCAP provides services to eligible individuals as a result of non-financial agreements with the Public Service Company – Good Neighbor Fund, NM Gas Company - Heat New Mexico, State of New Mexico Human Services Department - Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) and the Non-Metro Area Agency on Aging, Cooperative Health Assistance Service (CHAS) program.
As funding permits, Midwest NM CAP has committed to serve all eligible clients without regard to age, color, national origin, ancestry, race, religion, creed, disability, sex, marital status or handicap.
Individuals seeking assistance may apply in person at any CSBG office located within the service area. If an individual is not able to apply in person an application packet will be mailed to them. Special accommodations will be made to assist homebound or individuals with extenuating circumstances.
Applications for assistance may be picked up and appointments set at the following locations:
**** Office hours adjusted as necessary
549 Don Pasqual Rd. NW 1150 Elm St.
Los Lunas, NM 87031 Grants, NM 87020
(505) 865-9697 (505) 357-1768
8:00 am–3:00 pm M-Thursday 8:00 am–4:00 pm M-Thursday
Contact: Janice Vigil Contact: Beverly Diaz
CSBG Manager CSBG Manager
jvigil@ourkidzrock.com bdiaz@ourkidzrock.com
310 E. Maloney St 904 Spring St.
Gallup, NM 87301 Socorro, NM 87801
(505) 357-1747 575- 835-0899
8:00 am–4:00 pm M-Thursday 8:00 am–4:00 pm M-Thursday
Contact Terri Laughlin Note: Catron County is served by the
tlaughlin@ourkidzrock.com Socorro CSBG Office on an Itinerant Basis
Contact: Melissa Zimmerman, CSBG Manager
Marty Mondragon, CSBG Program Administrator
(505) 357-1703